Monday, March 19, 2007

Issue 409 - Gordon's First Ever Sporting Victory!

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I hope everything is ok where you are.

I had today's issue planned out, but my weekend made for a tale worth telling, so I've put a link to the other article at the bottom if you want to read that before I use it.

My weekend didn't start too well.
I was all looking forward to a 2 day curling tournament, my first proper competition seeing as I had to pull out of the last one with a migraine.

I got about 10 miles down the road, and a tyre decided to disintegrate on my car.
I was driving along at 60 when I heard a loud 'JUDDER JUDDER, THWACK!'
I looked in the rearview mirror to see lots of small black bits in my wake.

Now I'm not a car person, and my usual instinct is to just ignore any unusual noise and hope it will go away, but even I knew that I should stop.
I got out and saw the tyre in a state that could best be described as 'buggered.'
I wondered if the curling fates were against me as I cursed to myself.

I had no choice but to call the breakdown service.
Fortunately they are top notch, and arrived 15 minutes after I called.
Another 15 minutes, and I was back on my way!
That is seriously impressive service, and worth every penny I pay for it.

So, I got to the curling in time, to start the tournament with 3 players I had either only played with once, not at all, or never even met.

You may remember a couple of weeks ago I wrote about 'A Great Pair Of Tips!' saying how you can make huge leaps forward by just concentrating on a couple of simple effective basic skills in any walk of life, and that the same had applied to my curling.

Well I was able to use those tips again, and by the end of day 1 we were in a good position.
Yesterday I was actually entertaining thoughts of winning, and took a massively positive attitude.

It was a hugely competitive day of 2 matches which went back and forth in momentum the whole time, ending in 2 draws.
At the end of the competition, my team had won!
I was amazed!

I'm not sure I've ever won anything at sport, and this is a proper competition!
There is a lovely curling trophy dating back 50 years, and has the winner's names engraved on it, so whatever else I achieve in curling, I am recorded for posterity!

Wow, what a thrill!
And in a sport which is so polite, winners and losers having a laugh and a drink afterwards.
I'm basking in a warm glow today.

It's not a smug glow, I'm realistic to know that my playing was good enough to simply give the rest of the team something to work with, but I still played a worthy part.

No, my glow is an achievement glow.
In my first full season, I had decided to learn and improve.
I took the steps required, and put in the effort.
Now, near enough a calendar year after I started curling, I have a permanent achievement which can't be taken away.

In any walk of my life or yours, that will give you a glowing feeling that is unrivalled, I assure you.

In fact, someone asked me yesterday 'Is winning better than sex?
I replied that I couldn't remember.
They said 'You only won 10 minutes ago!'
I said 'I know, but that's not what I'm having trouble remembering...'

Here's another thing - you may or not believe in universal abundance, things coming around that go around, but this week, myself and another of my weekend team mates launched a forum for English curling - something we decided to do just to help the game and people interested in it.
Maybe our victory was curling karma??

Ok, that's it for today - here's the link to the other article -
'Frankly My Dear I Don't Give...Hey, Can You Smell Burning?,-Can-You-Smell-Burning?&id=489751

See you next week - do you have a warm glow ahead of you from following simple tips?

'Til next time,
Health and Happiness,
P.S. If you know anyone else who you think would enjoy the Great Gordino Newsletter, please pass it on to them!

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