Monday, February 19, 2007

Issue 405 - A Great Pair of Tips!

I am in the process of moving autoresponders, so to continue receiving the newsletter in your inbox, please send a blank email to:

I hope everything is well where you are.

Did you get loads of Valentine's Day cards?
I had oiled the letterbox with WD40, got in emergency supplies in case my pile of cards was so big that I couldn't get to the door, and waited....

I'm still waiting, and letterbox was so untroubled I could hear the tumbleweed rolling past.
It's bloody saying something when the card I sent to myself didn't even turn up!
I won't be wasting £1.50 like that again in a while (about a year probably).

Last week this newsletter had its' 4th anniversary, and I wrote how I used my weekly activities to relate my self improvement ideas.
4 years ago I certainly wasn't writing about curling, but it's slap in the middle of my thoughts at the moment, so here we go...

I'm calling this week's issue 'A Great Pair Of Tips'.
I went for a training session last week, and was a bit concerned.
I knew I had developed bad habits in my delivery, and was not sure well I would be able to unlearn them.

The session was taken by a girl who has been playing for over 20 years.
She's Canadian, where curling is massive.
She asked me what I wanted out of the session, and after I'd told her she asked me to deliver some stones so she could she my action.

After my first go she said 'I can see what you're doing wrong,' and gave me advice.
I tried to do what she said, and the next throw was about a gazillion times better!
She then gave the whole group some general tips, one of which I knew would be relevant to me.
All that took about 20 minutes.

I could not believe just 20 minutes and 2 tips would make such a difference!
Actually I'm lying, I could believe it.

I remember a drummer gave me 2 tips once which made a huge difference.
So it doesn't surprise me, but it gives me a boost and a smile whenever I personally experience it myself.

It doesn't take a seminar, or an essay, or a textbook.
Just a couple of tips from an outsider with greater knowledge.
2 tips at a time is enough to work on without overcomplicating things.
It's hugely powerful stuff.

I talk about it in my book, 'Transform Your Life in 21Days!', and if you want simple effective tips on how to change your circumstances, it really is worth a read to see how I did it myself.

Over the weekend I played in a curling tournament, and won my first prize!
Ok, it was the booby prize for coming last, but I was able to use my new technique, and boy did I see a difference!

I was also able to play with people who have represented England in Europe, so was soaking up the experience they had to show - fantastic, just the kind of knowledge sharing I always waffle on about!

Ok, that's it for today - is there a situation in your life which could be improved by a great pair of tips?

I'll see you next time when, depending on what happens during my week, I'm aiming to talk about how to seduce women with your thumbs!

'Til next time,
Health and Happiness,
P.S. If you know anyone else who you think would enjoy the Great Gordino Newsletter, please pass it on to them!

Transform Your Life in 21Days!

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