Monday, February 05, 2007

Issue 403 - How To Make Money From The Superbowl

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I hope everything is ok where you are.
I have had a busy couple of days.

I stayed up to watch the Superbowl last night.
Of course I work for myself from home, so I can set my own hours - I love it!

The Superbowl is America's self proclaimed 'greatest show on earth', although over here in Britain it is a small niche sport at best.
I love it though.

For the last few years, a pay per view channel has been showing the 'Lingerie Bowl' at half time.
Models play a short game of American Football dressed up in lacy lingerie.
Some people have called it a disgrace, others see the funny side, and I made sure that I checked it out again this year, just to remind myself how much of a disgrace it was...

Considering the Superbowl is an all American commercial fest, its surprising that it was a British businessman who came up with a marketing idea of monstrous proportions.

This was the 41st Superbowl, so the idea was to create a celebration of the previous 40, but to make it BIG.
The book weighs over 90 lbs, that's no misprint - 90lbs!
It lists every play of all 40 games, with hundreds of never before seen photos.
There are 20,000 printed, and they sell for $4000 each!

Do a bit of maths and you can see the figures get exciting.
That's not the end of it though - the first 200 copies are hand signed by all the living 'best player of the game', from those 40 Superbowls.
These 200 copies sell for $40,000 each!

Do the maths again, and the size of the potential is clear.
What a fantastic idea, although I don't suppose you'd want to let your little kid have a read with his chocolatey fingers!

You have to admire selling a book for $40,000, especially 200 of them, but is there a way to profit selling books at the other end of the scale?

The answer's yes.

I came across a guide last week which tells how to sell information products for $7 and make a good profit.
I got a copy, and I liked it.

I don't normally recommend other people's books, but this is an exception.
I like the style, short and sweet, and the information is good.

You can also prpmote the book yourself and keep the full $7 price yourself!
The method is explained in the book.

However, I noticed a flaw right away.
There was no mention in the book of how to generate traffic.

It's the lifeblood of any business online, and to miss it out is a shame in my view.
It might leave newcomers unsure as to what to do, and ending up doing nothing.

So, over the weekend, I came up with a solution.
I wrote a guide to the single most effective traffic technique I personally use.
I called it the 'Tireless Traffic Technique.'
I used the exact techniques mentioned in the 7 Dollar Secret book, meaning I charge $7 for it, and anyone can promote it and keep the full $7 themselves.

I've decided to offer the traffic guide free to anyone who buys the 7 Dollar book through my link.
If you buy 7 Dollar Secrets via this link:
I'll then email you a copy of my traffic technique.
You can then promote both and keep all the $7 sales!

If you've already bought 7 Dollar Secrets, and many people have, can I suggest you still buy my 'Tireless Traffic Technique'.
Once you've read it, you'll see how it compliments the 7 Dollar book, and you'll want to promote it, detail on how to do that are in the guide.
Once again, here's my link to the 7 Dollar book

And here's the link to my Tireless Traffic Technique

Buy the 7 Dollar Secrets, and I'll give you my traffic book, but if you already have the 7 Dollar guide, my traffic book is still great value - plus you get my advice at the end of an email!
I had a busy old time getting this together, and I'm pleased with the result.

I still had time for some fun over the weekend, the Lingerie Bowl apart.

I went to a jam, and ended up playing a song on bass that I hadn't played for ages.
I used one of the oldest entertainment tricks in the book. I realised that I had played a few bad notes, so quickly began singing some even worse notes over the top.
It sure took the attention away from my bass playing! Here's a picture:

Ok, that's it for today - are you ready to jump start your information selling internet business?

'Til next time,
Health and Happiness,
Grab my free 8 Step Goal Achievement Plan by sending a blank email to:

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