Monday, January 28, 2008

Issue 452 - A Great Bit Of Crumpet!

I hope Monday finds you well.

I had some great crumpet over the weekend...

I was playing curling and had a sudden urge for crumpet, so I stopped off at the nearest Tesco and bought a pack of 8.
They had a 'buy one get one free' offer which was even better, and I luxuriated in some crumpets as the butter oozed into those little holes.

I mention it because something on the packet caught my eye.
It said that as a serving suggestion you could drizzle the crumpet with honey.
Mmmm, that sounds nice, but it's the word 'drizzle' that appeals to me.

They could have said 'plop' some honey, or 'dollop' some honey, but they said 'drizzle'.
The end result is the same, but the choice of word makes the mental image much more attractive.

That's why I love words, they have the power to move (unless you're constipated in which case laxative might be a better option).

Words are at the centre of a couple of ideas I have on the go.

I have an offer going for me to write your articles for you on any subject, for $10 for a 300+ word article.
That's not a bad price, and you can see the offer here:

My second idea also involves articles, and it's something I've thought about doing for a while.
With the 5th anniversary of the newsletter approaching fast, it seems a good time to act on my idea of teaching people how to write articles.

When I say 'teaching people', I don't just mean knocking together an ebook (although that model is not to be sniffed at!)
No, what I had in mind was interactive one-on-one teaching, via instant video chat.
5 sessions of approx. 1 hour each and the spacing of sessions will allow us to over the whole spectrum.

I'll be showing why and how articles work their magic.
I'll be showing you the way I construct them. and the formula which allows me to knock out articles on any subject quickly and efficiently.
I'll be doing a live example in front of you on any subject you choose, and then will literally watch over your shoulder as you write and submit an article.

This 5 hours of teaching will leave you in a position where you never have to buy another article, you can write them yourself.
You can then use them to send traffic to any webpage you want.
You can sell your own articles.
You could pass on your new knowledge to others.

My only real decision is the price to charge.
I know that here in the UK, a tradesman like a plumber or electrician will charge $80 for 1 hour.
By that reckoning I could fairly charge $497 and it would still be cheap as you'd be getting residual benefit.

I think to start with I'm going to charge $97 though, and I'm going to give my newsletter readers the first crack at ordering.
This is by way of thanking you for reading, after all 5 years of newsletter writing would be pretty pointless without someone to read it!

I'll be taking people on a first come, first served basis.
I'm not taking live orders at the moment, but if you want to express interest, you can put yourself on the 'option' list, which means that when I do go live, probably next week, you'll get first refusal.

Remember at the top of this issue I said I got an urge for crumpet while playing curling?
Well all thoughts of crumpet will have to go this week - my concentration will need to be at full strength, as it's the English National Championships!

I'm really excited to be playing against the best that English curling has to offer, to get a good gauge of how far my game has developed.
My first game is Wednesday evening at 1900, then I play everyday until Sunday morning at 930.
Wish me luck! (I suspect I'll need it).

'Til Next Time,
P.S. If you know anyone else who you think would enjoy the Great Gordino Newsletter, please pass it on to them!

Please sponsor my marathon:

Transform Your Life In 21 Days:

How To Make Money From Sport:

Grab my free 8 Step Goal Achievement Plan by sending a blank email to:

Monday, January 21, 2008

Issue 451 - Gordon Forgets His Own Lesson!

I hope everything is ok where you are.

I've had a breakthrough with my marathon training.
As I have been chatting to people about it, and laughing at me getting a place in this year's London race, having done last year's on my own, I realised that I was revelling in being able to moan about it!

I caught myself doing it, and stopped right away - let's face it, the reason I got a place this year was because *I* sent off the application form.
It was *my* spit the sealed the envelope, and it was *my* hand that plopped it into the postbox.
No-one else did it, it was all me, so I realised I needed to 'put up or shut up' to either decide not to do it, or take responsibility and move forward.

Once I'd given myself that mental rap over the knuckles, I could approach my training less grudgingly, and start to enjoy myself.
I also remembered a trick I had discovered during last year's training, and it's a cracker...

Initially I had been plodding along, thinking about all those miles ahead of me, and when you've done it before you *know* that it is indeed a long way!

The trick though, is to think of the time on the move, rather than the miles.
If I imagine that I'm having a nice day out, and will get home thinking 'that was a nice day out,' them my mind changes focus, and rather than think with dread about the miles ahead, I think with enjoyment about the present, that minute that I'm in.
With this trick, if I concentrate on the time, the miles look after themselves.
It worked wonders when I discovered it last year, and I was glad to rediscover it this year, as it has again done the job!

It's an interesting idea, because my body is doing *exactly* the same thing as it was when I was worrying about the mileage.
The actual physical action is exactly the same, but a simple mental twist has changed the experience entirely, and as a result, the aches and pains are felt less.

I talk about both of today's points over and over - because they work.
Take responsibility for your choices and actions, and remember that sometimes if you can't change the circumstance, you need to change the way you think about it!

You won't be surprised to hear that both points are covered in my book 'Transform Your Life in 21 Days!' which covers both mental and physical techniques to change your life. I reckon it's cheap at $27, particularly with the 100% money back guarantee:

I've had a day of dodgy internet connection today, so will get this issue sent while I can!
'Til Next Time,
P.S. If you know anyone else who you think would enjoy the Great Gordino Newsletter, please pass it on to them!
Please sponsor my marathon:

Transform Your Life In 21 Days:

How To Make Money From Sport:

Grab my free 8 Step Goal Achievement Plan by sending a blank email to:

Monday, January 14, 2008

Issue 450 - Please Sponsor My Marathon?

I hope Monday finds you well.

Today is the 450th Issue, but I'm not going to use the normal piece I like to use every 50 issues - I'll save that for the upcoming 5th anniversary in mid February.

Instead I want to cover some achievement areas.
Sir Edmund Hillary died last week.
In 1953, he became the first man to conquer Everest, a genuine peak of human achievement.

He was only 33 when he did it, and was a great example in the post war era of what could be achieved by man.
He had lots of trials and tribulations along the way, but had a clearly defined goal and kept working towards it.

I can relate to that - naturally I haven't climbed Everest, let's not get carried away, if I climb to the top of my stairs I'm liable to get a nosebleed.
And that's saying something when I live in a flat...

I have achieved various goals though, one of them being my first marathon lst year.
I got a place in the London race this year, I'm number 4338, and I've decided to see if I can raise some sponsorship this year.

I'm going for 2 causes, and I'd really appreciate it if you felt you could help.
I want to split donations 50/50 to support MIND and the sport of curling.
MIND is a charity I have used personally when I first had depression in 1997.
They provide fully qualified counselling for free, and rely 100% on donations, so I have no qualms in wanting to support them, to help give back something.

I want to help support the sport of curling in England, because it is at a fledgling level, with no government support or any major sponsorhip deals.
Sport is chronically overlooked as a benefit for mind and body, and the government here in Britain is not a big supporter of sport in my view.

I'd like to help grow curling, because as well as being aerobically beneficial, it can be played by all ages of all ability, and it's a sport which is fiercely protective of its' etiquette and rules of politeness.
Things like this must be cherished in today's world of 'take what you can get and sod everyone else.'

A donation of $10 would be marvellous, more would be better, and less would be equally welcomed.
Please go to my donation page at:

Apart from Paypal fees, all the money will go to the causes.
I'm keeping it brief this week as I would like to you to pop over to the donation page, and I'll leave you with this thought - think of Edmund Hillary this week.

Think of what he achieved, and ask yourself what your future achievements will be?

'Til Next Time,
P.S. If you know anyone else who you think would enjoy the Great Gordino Newsletter, please pass it on to them!

The Great Gordino's Curling For Gold:

Transform Your Life In 21 Days:

How To Make Money From Sport:

Grab my free 8 Step Goal Achievement Plan by sending a blank email to:

Monday, January 07, 2008

Issue 449 - First Big Question of 2008?

I hope everything is ok where you are.

Happy New Year!
That's the first thing to say since this is the first newsletter of 2008.
Although is some countries, the first day of Christmas is today the 7th, so Happy Christmas to readers in those parts!

Today I want to focus on my last big question of 2007, and my first big question of 2008, but firstly a quick thanks to those of you that helped with my chocolate brazil crisis. Kim Standerline went so far as to send me a box, which didn't last long let me tell you!

Ok, my last big quandry of 2007 was this - what kind of idiot sets off New Year fireworks at 11.50 pm?
I have quite a view into the distance from my flat, and every year can see the fireworks going off for miles and miles, but why do they start at 11.50?

I can imagine the scene - out in the cold and drak, all wrapped up with fireworks at the ready.
The countdown is on...11.48, not yet, wait for it...11.49 not yet, wait for it...11.50, ok, NOW!

Am I missing something?
I was shouting out of the window, 'NO, NOT NOW!' but to little effect.

The only conclusion I can come to is that maybe it's the local nut house/looney bin having their celebrations, where they think the New Year does indeed start at 11.50.
Mind you, whether they should be having fireworks at all is another matter...

Of course by the time I had pondered this annual quandry, it was past 1200, and into 2008, leading to my first big question of this year...

Why is the word 'fiery' spelt 'fiery?'
Shouldn't it be 'firey?'

The image of lunatics with their early fireworks had conjured up the phrase 'fiery furnace of hell', but even in my mind I spelt it all mixed up.

After all, watery isn't spelt 'watrey'.
'Airy' and 'earthy' are logical, so what's the idea with 'fiery?'

I'm almst tempted to take an English test, just so I can write a note in the margin to the examiner.
'Never mind asking me how to spell,' I'd say, 'you tell *me* the answer!'

It's probably not going to be the biggest question of 2008, but it's a good one to start with.

A question you could as yourself is 'what am I going to do this year?'
If your answer is 'the same as 2007', then your results will be the same as 2007, the logic is easy.
Twist that around, and the logic follows that takingm different actions will lead to different results.

I write about this in my book 'Transform Your Life in 21 Days!' which gives you 21 such ideas, which can totally change your thought patterns if you choose to follow them.
I'm proud of the book - I use all the ideas myself, I think the book stands up today as much as when I wrote it in 2003, and at $27 it's a cheap price!

Why not give it a whirl for the New Year?

Ok, blatant plug out of the way, I'll sign off for this week.
I hope 2008 brings you everything you want, which in my case would be an explanation of a certain word's spelling...

'Til Next Time,
P.S. If you know anyone else who you think would enjoy the Great Gordino Newsletter, please pass it on to them!

The Great Gordino's Curling For Gold:

Transform Your Life In 21 Days:

How To Make Money From Sport:

Grab my free 8 Step Goal Achievement Plan by sending a blank email to: