Monday, July 30, 2007

Issue 426 - Jane Austen - Self Improvement Guru?

I hope Monday finds you well.

I'll start this issue with a quick note that my book 'Transform Your Life In 21 Days!' is now priced at just $7.
I haven't used the $7 script you see everywhere, but I chose to follow that price point.

I was thrilled to have it described as 'motivational magic' and 'a true gem', by readers, so if you fancy taking a peek, $7 is not going to break your bank balance now is it!:

Ok, I'm calling today's issue 'Jane Austen - Self Improvement Guru?'

Jane Austen, English author who lived over the junction of the 18th/19th centuries.
She wrote about English society around the turn of the, er, 18th/19th centuries.
Her books were filled with lots of lost love, dutiful requirements of men but more so the women, lots of forelorn gazes into the rain.

No, we're not talking about my own love life here, blimey if it's comedy you want I suggest Laurel & Hardy...

Pride & Prejudice is probably her best known novel, and it sums up her style - people's natural personalities and desires being crushed but not extinguished by the accepted responsibilities of the day.
The fact that the personalities are not totally dead is crucial, as they come to the fore at the end, and self expression triumphs into happiness.

You can probably see where I'm going with this...

I saw a great dramatization of her book 'Persuasion' recently.
It was done very nicely, with some modern tv touches thrown in, but not too many, just to add a reality feel here and there.
In fact a lot of these types of books are being worked on tv with a totally modern surrounding, and they work even better to put across the message that it's best to follow your passions, express you true self, and you'll be happy.

You don't suddenly achieve a goal of being happy, it's not a finish line you cross, its a state of mind a lifestyle.
It seems ludicrous that so many people choose to stifle it, often based on no more than what other people tell them - usually other people who are only too happy to express *themselves*!

Yes, be aware of responsibilities, but do not neglect the responsibilities you have to yourself!
The acceptance of happiness being unattainable was perhaps more understandable in Jane Austen's time, but we're 200 years further down the road!

Jane Austen died at 41, the same age as I am as I write this.
She wasn't universally popular - Charlotte Bronte said Austen failed to write about passion. I can't agree with that, I think passion is exactly what she does write about!

Mark Twain said that any library was a good library if it didn't have a Jane Austen in it, even if it had no other books!
That's harsh, wrong in my view, and not one of your finer quotes Twainy.

I think a good library *should* have a Jane Austen in it, maybe even under the 'self improvement' section?

Ok, that's it for today, don't forget to look at my book, now priced at just $7, and I'll leave you with this thought - does Jane Austen get your self improvement juices flowing?

'Til Next Time,
Health and Happiness,
P.S. If you know anyone else who you think would enjoy the Great Gordino Newsletter, please pass it on to them!

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Monday, July 23, 2007

Issue 425 - The Inspirational Annals Of Sport (Thank God for spellcheck)

I hope everything is well where you are.

I know I normally start my newsletter with that line, but with England facing huge flooding with a months rain falling in hours, I do hope all is well, and if it is, spare a thought for those less lucky, and appreciate the abundance.

Ok, lots of choices to write about today -
A lesson I learnt, or a lesson from 8 years ago, or a tv documentary about independant thought.

I think I'll just pile in and see where it goes...

Last week I mentioned my experiment about selling my article writing services, and about how I had badly underpriced myself, being swamped with badly paid work to deadline as a result.
Well as I studied the other offers in the same forum, I noticed a lot of people selling packs of articles they had written with PLR rights.
The prices worked out at a much better leverage of time, so I put my own up.

It's a good example of taking action, seeing the results, and then changing your method to work better.
It's a basic foundation of my ideas about success/self improvement and goal achievement, and as ever, it works!
You can see the latest offer at:

Ok, onto the lesson from 8 years ago.
You know I love my sport, and while Wimbledon provided lots of fodder, Serena, Maria, Marion (all women? just a coincidence I assure you...),
the recent Open golf has done the same.

I wrote an article called 'Why Do Americans Hate The Open Golf Tournament?' which is getting some good viewing numbers!

The tournament was held at Carnoustie in Scotland, and it was last held there 8 years ago.
It's back to 1999 we go for a story that went down in the annals (thank god for spellcheck) of sport.

The Frenhman Jean Van Der Velde stood on the last hole with a healthy lead, and one hand firmly on the trophy.
His approach shot plopped into the little stream in front of the green, and after thinking about it for ages, he took off his shoes and socks, waded into the river and played his shot, which promptly plopped *back* into the stream.
His chance had gone, and The Open prize went to someone else.

Naturally this week he was asked endlessly about it, and the reporters kept questioning him about if it kept him awake, how did he get his life going again, etc, etc.

Well he hasn't been well lately, and he replied that when he went into hospital for tests, the other people he saw there kept things in perspective.

The reporters told him he must think about it every night.
'No' he simply replied.

They told him he must be full of regret.
He replied with French charm that, he had lived 41 years, didn't know how many he'd have left, maybe another 41, so was he about to spend it all wth regret?
He said if a glass was 50% full of red wine, he knew whether he'd consider if half full or half empty, especially seeing as he'd enjoyed drinking the first half!

Aah, how refreshing!
That's twice in a month that French sports players have inspired me with simple words.

It's easy to let the negative news output dim the lights, but it's also just as easy to plug into the light of others!

Ok, that's it for this week - my rambling led to thoughts of inspiration, no change there then.

The tv documentary about independent thought can wait, and I'll leave you with this question - which story do you use for inspiration this week?

'Til Next Time,
Health and Happiness,
P.S. If you know anyone else who you think would enjoy the Great Gordino Newsletter, please pass it on to them!

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Issue 424 - Gordon Undervalues Himself Badly!

I hope Monday finds you well.

Over the last couple of weeks I've not been sleeping that well, but I think I've found a cure, and over the weekend I haven't got much sleep at all, up virtually all night, which does make you tired when the chance to grab a few winks appears.

And before you get too excited, it was nothing along *those* lines! (chance would be a fine thing).

No, I've been very busy.
I've been a busy bee.
In fact I've been busier than a bee.
I've been busier than a bee who's been too busy to do normal bee business.

Hmm, you get the idea...

I had a little experiment in mind, and as you know, experiments in my mind tend to be acted on, and this was no exception.

I do a lot of writing, what with this newsletter, articles and books, etc.
I enjoy it.
I also earn money from my writing, which I can tell you makes me enjoy it even more!

What I *haven't* ever done before is offer my writing skills as a service.
Well there has been a rash (ooh, good word), a rash of guides lately about how to get a quick injection of cash if you need one, and many of them talk about selling your writing skills.

There is an internet marketing forum which has a section specifically for people to make offers to each other, so I thought I'd have a go.

I made an offer for people to have me write a 300+ word article on anything they wanted, and get it back within 24 hours, for $9, with full rights to do what they want with it.

That's cheap, but a good place to start an experiment.
I then offered discounts, with 3 or more articles priced at $6 each.
I know from experience that I can write a solid article on any subject in 30 minutes, so was interested to see how the offer went.

I did have the advantage of being able to point prospects at other stuff I had written so they could see the type of thing they'd get, and the offer took off.
Since Saturday afternoon I have had orders for 63 articles!

All well and good, but even at my speed there was no way I could get those turned around in 24 hours.
I said so in the thread, and extended the lead time for new orders to 48 hours.

I have badly underpriced myself!
Had I known the response would be like that I would have pitched higher, but that's part of the learning process!

So since Saturday I have been typing away like a madman (some people would say I do *most* things like a madman!)
Lots of tea, with biscuits to dunk, eyes propped open with sticks, and all for just over minimum wage to produce work I can't even leverage for myself in the future!
Still, its been good fun, and I know now that these cash injection plans work, and that whatever twists and turns my life takes, I will never be starving in the gutter, simply down to the power of words - good eh!

I will NEVER offer my writing at this price again, but as the offer is still open, if you want me to write any 300+ artices for you, now's your chance.
They can be on any subject you want, either written as content, or with seo in mind.
You can then sell them, give them away, compile them into a report, use them as content, use them on your blog or autoresponder, the choice is entirely yours.

Remember I'll only offer at this price on this occasion, I won't undersell myself twice!

Ok, I'll leave you with these thoughts - are you fully using the power of the internet, and do you know the full financial worth of what you can offer?

'Til Next Time,
Health and Happiness,
P.S. If you know anyone else who you think would enjoy the Great Gordino Newsletter, please pass it on to them!

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Monday, July 09, 2007

Issue 423 - A French Serving Of Inspiration!

I hope everything is well where you are.

There were 3 big sporting events in Britain yesterday -
The Tour de France had a trip down near me in the South East.
It was also the men's singles final at Wimbledon, and the British Grand Prix took place too!

Plenty of fodder for me to write about you'd think, and you'd be right!

I'm not going to cover it all today, I wouldn't have room, but I *will* be using all those events to turn into income sources for me.
Note how I don't say 'might', or 'could', but *will*.

I'll be using the technique I reveal in my 'Make Money From Sport' book.
I know that's a blatant plug, but why not!

It's a book I wrote, not someone else, the technique is simple, and it works.
Throw in the fact that I priced it at $7, and I'm proud to mention it:

Ok, my decision about which sporting event to write about was made for me on Saturday evening by my friend Les Miserable.
I had gone to see him play at a pub, and the first thing he said to me was 'did you see her?'
I knew straight away who he was talking about, and Les knew I'd know!
I replied 'Marion Bartoli?' and Les nodded.
I think it was a nod, may have been wind.

Ooh, by the way, before I deal with Marion (I should be so lucky), I must just also mention that Les has done a version of my Rock & Roll Town song.
I hope it makes you smile as much as it did me, and you can hear it at:
Click on the right hand side where it says '7 String Les'.

Ok, Marion Bartoli...
Wow, a great sporting story of goal achievement, with the huge added sparkle of enthusiasm and charm.

Marion comes from a small French village of 2,000 people, and was taught tennis by her father.

She has a most peculiar action, especially with her service, but from 18th seed she got all the way to the final, where she managed to give Venus Williams a good run for her money.

In her semi final, she had played badly in the first set against the world number 1 Justine Henin, mainly due to nerves, but then she saw her favourite actor Pierce Brosnan in the crowd and told herself she couldn't play that badly in front of him!
She then went on to play Henin off the court!

In the final she had a slow start again, but then got into the match with her never-say-die attitude.
When she had the trainer work on a foot blister, Venus Williams suddenly also needed medical treatment.

It's a tactic the Williams sisters have used for years, not very subtley either, and to see it once again from a mutli champion is unedifying (ooh, good word), to say the least.

Did Bartoli get flustered by the extra delay?
No, in fact when the crowd started a Mexican wave, Marion joined in from the middle of the court!

Here's one more point to bear in mind before summing up the obvious lessons - in her news conferences, when she was asked how surprised she was to be in the final, she said she *was* excited, yes, but not so surprised because after all, 'I AM a top 20 player!'

Ok, you don't have to play tennis to take inspiration from her.
She learnt her craft herself with her father, including unorthodox methods which would be scorned at by the establishment.

Is it still possible to go your own way and succeed in this day and age? Er, YES!!

She was confident in her abilities.

Although her charm can't necessarily be learnt, her enthusiasm can, and it's a vital ingredient for success.

She had the whole crowd rooting for her, and it's no surprise - take her attitude in life, and amazing things will happen for you.

Just to finish the subject, another nice touch was that she mentioned after the semi that it would be good if Pierce Brosnan could make the final.
As it happened he had a wedding to go to, but he sent her a bouquet of flowers and a letter before the final.

Ok, that's it for today, I'm off to write a bucket load more about sport to earn me money, but I'll leave you you with the thought of Marion Bartoli - as she serves up the inspiration, make sure you use it in your own life!

'Til Next Time,
Health and Happiness,
P.S. If you know anyone else who you think would enjoy the Great Gordino Newsletter, please pass it on to them!

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Monday, July 02, 2007

Issue 422 - My New Book - 40+

I hope Monday finds you well, as we creep into the 2nd half of the year.

Did the 1st 6 months go as planned?
What do you have planned for the next 6?

For you Canadian readers, I hope you had a good Canada Day yesterday.
For you American readers, I hope you have a good Independence Day on Wednesday.
For everyone, Happy Regular Day!
(that also applies to Canadians and Americans!)

Right then, my new book is out today.
It's priced at $7, but it isn't about internet marketing.

It's about me.

I called it 'The Great Gordino's 40+ (The Golden Million)'
I couldn't decide between the 2 titles, and in the end I thought 'bugger it, it's my book, I'll use both!'

In my book 'Transform Your Life in 21 Days!' I focused on the theories and mindsets I have used, and continue to use.
The theories have worked for over 20 years, and will continue to do so, it's not a 'flavour of the month' thing.

In this new book, I concentrate on how I used the theories, the actual results I achieved.
It's a story - the story my life between about 18 and 40.

It also serves as a reminder of the fact that age is often used as an excuse for under-achievement, and I'm not about to let turning 41 stop me!
So, in the book I talk about another idea I have brewing, which may turn into my biggest adventure yet!
You can see more about it here:

Since February 2003 I've written in this newsletter about self-improvement, goal achievement and wealth creation.

This new book '40+' is no different, so if that doesn't interest you, then it might not be for you.
If you *are*, and you enjoy my writing style, then $7 is all you'll need to read my story, the good bits and the bad bits!

A short newsletter this week, I can't deny I want to focus your attention on my new book.
I'm not usually an out-and-out plugger in the newsletter, so I'm allowing myself an indulgence this week.

I enjoyed writing the book, making me think long and hard about the last 20 years, and I think you'll enjoy reading it.
Did I mention that you can earn 100% affiliate commission if you promote it yourself?

Ok, that's it for today, pop over and have a look at the book, see if you fancy reading the story:

'Til Next Time,
Health and Happiness,
P.S. If you know anyone else who you think would enjoy the Great Gordino Newsletter, please pass it on to them!
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How to make money from sport:

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