Monday, March 26, 2007

Issue 410 - The Great Global Warming Swindle - Or Is It?

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I hope Monday finds you well.

I saw a tv programme last week, which tied in to another programme I had seen, and both tie in nicely with a vital theory I use for self improvement and goal achievement.

The programme last week was 'Dragon's Den.'

I've mentioned it before, it's where businesses make a pitch for investment to 5 mutli-millionaires
Last week there was a first, as all 5 investors decided to invest.
The invention was a product which cut down the amount of power used when electrical equipment is left on 'standby.'
The inventors have a patent pending, and the millionaires were hooked by the thought of embedding the device in new televisions.

When the inventor stated how the reduction would help reduce global warming due to CO2 emissions, all the millionaires nodded in agreement.
After all, we all know that's true, right?

Cue the tie in with the other programme, called 'The Great Global Warming Swindle.'
This was a documentary which left me gawping at the screen.

The basic premise was that global warming due to man-made CO2 has been blown out of all proportions, and since it's now an industry worth billions and billions, the myth will be perpetuated.

The film had scientists, who said that the theory that CO2 was a temperature driver was simply not true, in fact the global temperature drives the amount CO2.
The percentage of CO2 made by man is tiny compared to that made by animals, decaying leaves and the biggest producer on the planet, the oceans.

Differing levels of solar activity mean different levels of solar wind reaching the atmosphere.
Differing levels of solar wind mean differeing levels of cloud over the oceans.
Differing levels of clouds means different ocean temperatures, and differing levels of ocean temperatures
mean different global temperatures and CO2 produced by the oceans.

The film argued that this has been going on for hundreds of years.
If the evidence is not there to support the man-made CO2 fears, in fact if the evidence shows otherwise, then why is the myth kept going?


I don't know about you, but this theory struck me as something worth investigating, so I hopped online to do some research.

Here's where it gets interesting.
I had not heard of the film maker, Martin Durkin, but I soon found that he has a 'colourful' reputation.
He has had programmes turned down because he is said to have ignored huge amounts of counter arguments.
One of his films was criticised by the Independent Television Commission, stating that he had misled the interviewees about the purpose of the programme, and had creatively and selectively edited their interviews.

That was a huge disappointment to me, as it casts a shadow immediately over his global warming programme.

However, and this is the point I want to make, does the fact that he has a doubtful reputation mean that his claims are necessarily false?

No, it doesn't.

What it does mean, is that there is a need for independent thought.
Just because someone tells you something is so, there is nothing wrong in questioning it, asking why they say it, and doing your own research.
Yes, use other views to make your own opinion, but make sure that's what you end up with, your own opinion, and when someone asks you why you think it, be able to tell them, and not just say 'because someone else said so.'

The programme has been big news since it was shown, and I'll be interested to see what happens.

Ok, that's it for today, what's your independent thought on CO2, or what's your independent thought on whether you can achieve your goals - if someone tells you that you can't, does that necessarily make them right?

'Til next time,
Health and Happiness,
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Monday, March 19, 2007

Issue 409 - Gordon's First Ever Sporting Victory!

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I hope everything is ok where you are.

I had today's issue planned out, but my weekend made for a tale worth telling, so I've put a link to the other article at the bottom if you want to read that before I use it.

My weekend didn't start too well.
I was all looking forward to a 2 day curling tournament, my first proper competition seeing as I had to pull out of the last one with a migraine.

I got about 10 miles down the road, and a tyre decided to disintegrate on my car.
I was driving along at 60 when I heard a loud 'JUDDER JUDDER, THWACK!'
I looked in the rearview mirror to see lots of small black bits in my wake.

Now I'm not a car person, and my usual instinct is to just ignore any unusual noise and hope it will go away, but even I knew that I should stop.
I got out and saw the tyre in a state that could best be described as 'buggered.'
I wondered if the curling fates were against me as I cursed to myself.

I had no choice but to call the breakdown service.
Fortunately they are top notch, and arrived 15 minutes after I called.
Another 15 minutes, and I was back on my way!
That is seriously impressive service, and worth every penny I pay for it.

So, I got to the curling in time, to start the tournament with 3 players I had either only played with once, not at all, or never even met.

You may remember a couple of weeks ago I wrote about 'A Great Pair Of Tips!' saying how you can make huge leaps forward by just concentrating on a couple of simple effective basic skills in any walk of life, and that the same had applied to my curling.

Well I was able to use those tips again, and by the end of day 1 we were in a good position.
Yesterday I was actually entertaining thoughts of winning, and took a massively positive attitude.

It was a hugely competitive day of 2 matches which went back and forth in momentum the whole time, ending in 2 draws.
At the end of the competition, my team had won!
I was amazed!

I'm not sure I've ever won anything at sport, and this is a proper competition!
There is a lovely curling trophy dating back 50 years, and has the winner's names engraved on it, so whatever else I achieve in curling, I am recorded for posterity!

Wow, what a thrill!
And in a sport which is so polite, winners and losers having a laugh and a drink afterwards.
I'm basking in a warm glow today.

It's not a smug glow, I'm realistic to know that my playing was good enough to simply give the rest of the team something to work with, but I still played a worthy part.

No, my glow is an achievement glow.
In my first full season, I had decided to learn and improve.
I took the steps required, and put in the effort.
Now, near enough a calendar year after I started curling, I have a permanent achievement which can't be taken away.

In any walk of my life or yours, that will give you a glowing feeling that is unrivalled, I assure you.

In fact, someone asked me yesterday 'Is winning better than sex?
I replied that I couldn't remember.
They said 'You only won 10 minutes ago!'
I said 'I know, but that's not what I'm having trouble remembering...'

Here's another thing - you may or not believe in universal abundance, things coming around that go around, but this week, myself and another of my weekend team mates launched a forum for English curling - something we decided to do just to help the game and people interested in it.
Maybe our victory was curling karma??

Ok, that's it for today - here's the link to the other article -
'Frankly My Dear I Don't Give...Hey, Can You Smell Burning?,-Can-You-Smell-Burning?&id=489751

See you next week - do you have a warm glow ahead of you from following simple tips?

'Til next time,
Health and Happiness,
P.S. If you know anyone else who you think would enjoy the Great Gordino Newsletter, please pass it on to them!

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Monday, March 12, 2007

Issue 408 - Eeow! I'm A Good Girl I Am!

I hope Monday finds you well.

I was all set for this week's issue, calling it 'Eeow! I'm A Good Girl I am!' and then I saw a great documentary last week called 'The Great Global Warming Swindle'.

Throw in an article I wrote called 'What's The Difference Between 3 Miles And 26 Miles?' and I have 3 different subjects to talk about -
- The problems that are out of your hands on your road to achievement.
- The importance of independent thought.
- The enormous power of your mindset.

I know I could talk about all 3, but I like to keep the newsletter at the same bite-sizish length, so let me just have a quick go at eeny meeny miny mo...

Ok, decision made, (after a best of 5 tournament) -
Eeow! I'm A Good Girl, I Am!'
When I wrote my article 'Move Your Bloomin' Arse!' about the goal achievement nuggets to be found in the film 'My Fair Lady', I had some emails saying they wanted more.
This time, although the title is another phrase uttered by the character Eliza Doolittle, (in a dubious cockney accent it must be said), I want to concentrate on the goal achievement points behind the starring of the actress who played her, Audrey Hepburn.

When the film was first mooted, it was widely thought that the Briton Julie Andrews would play Eliza.
She had played the role in the theatre to rave reviews alongside Rex Harrison, so it was assumed she would be in the film with Harrison too.

Jack Warner from Warner Bros. wanted a bigger box office name, and would not budge from Hepburn.
Can you imagine how it must have felt when early in recording it became clear that Hepburn would not be able to cope with the vocals, and they had to be overdubbed by someone else!

It was Marni Nixon who did the singing, uncredited, something which was not unusual in Hollywood then.

The casting controversy reflected badly on Hepburn, although it was undoubtedly out of her hands.
In fact, the decision to not cast Andrews was taken before Hepburn was cast.

Although the film won 8 Oscars, including best picture and best actor, poor old Audrey wasn't even nominated!

That kind of thing always tarnishes the Oscars for me.
How is it that the film can be so showered with awards, and yet the leading lady was so bad so as not even to get mentioned?
Just a touch political, perhaps, maybe!!

Audrey Hepburn was definitely one of life's goal achievers, helping the underground resistance in Holland during the war, making herself one of the biggest stars in Hollywood, and working as a Unicef goodwill ambassador in later life.

Did she have trouble and strife along the way?
Did she still carry on?
Yes, of course she did.

Sometimes things are out of our control, like the whole My Fair Lady casting, but you need to stick with your goal and plough on through.

So, next time you hit a bump on the road to your goals, think of Audrey Hepburn shouting 'Eeow, I'm a good girl, I am', although if you're a man, maybe do it under your breath.

Hmm, thinking about it, maybe do it under your breath if you're a woman too!

Ok, that's it for today - can you speak cockney like Audrey Hepburn?

'Til next time,
Health and Happiness,
P.S. If you know anyone else who you think would enjoy the Great Gordino Newsletter, please pass it on to them!

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Issue 407 - Make Money From Tiddlywinks?

I hope everything is ok where you are.

This weekend saw the European Indoor Athletics Championships.
They were held in England, so I was looking forward to writing about a victory for my old buddy, the pole vaulter Yelena Isinbayeva.

Unfortunately I am unable to do so, for 2 reasons.
Firstly, because she wasn't there.
The official reason is that she is concentrating on preparing for the outdoor season, but unofficially everyone says it's because there was no prize money.
Secondly, I'm not allowed to refer to her as 'my old buddy' any more, well not since the restraining order became official...

In case you're interested, the Russians still won gold and silver, the silver going to a new 20 yr old called Yulia Golubchikova - I bet you don't get many of those to the pound, (er, apart from maybe in the Golubchikov household.)

There was also a nasty injury for a British runner, who was clipped from behind, and in the fall broke her thigh bone.
Now that's gotta hurt.

So, the point of today's issue is making money in the world of sport.
In most sports, it's only the very top world elite that make any decent money, and they have to chase it ( hence Isinbayeva not competing this weekend?)

Even then, there often isn't enough.
My new found sport of curling is a prime example - very difficult to make money at it.

The Italian skiing federation is in dire financial trouble, 1 year on from hosting the Olympics, and skiiers and trainer are having to club together to pay for petrol and hotel costs!

At the other end are the big earners - its been announced that the women will earn the same as the men at Wimbledon this year, and the British heavyweight Lennox Lewis, one of those rare boxers who retired with his title intact, is allegedly being tempted to fight again by the prospect of earning $25 million from one fight!

My new book is about how to make money from sport, I just finished it last week.

It works for players and for fans of any sport.
Athletics? Yes.
Tennis? Yes.
Skiing? Yes.
Boxing? Yes.
Curling? Yes.
Tiddlywinks? Yes, actually.

How much the method earns depends on how much effort is put in.
It may not earn you the $25 million that Lennox Lewis is up for, but say in curling, it will earn you more than you ever could by playing, and even if it earns enough to cover a lifetime of curling shoes, that's better than a kick in the teeth.

The guide only costs $7, priced so low that you don't have to think that much about buying it.
Most people spend $7 on things day after day, and this *will* earn you money if you follow the technique.
It's the technique I use, there are no extra costs involved, no Adwords pay per click spending, and you can grab it at:

I know today's issue has been a sporty one, and I know that some readers have no interest at all in sport, but since all readers should have an interest in self-improvement and wealth creation, I reckon for $7 it's worth me rattling on about it, and it ties in with last week's issue about setting March 1st New Year Resolutions.

Ok, that's it for today - how much money will you make this year from sport?

'Til next time,
Health and Happiness,
P.S. If you know anyone else who you think would enjoy the Great Gordino Newsletter, please pass it on to them!

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